After a wonderful and blessed two week stay in Malawi, we ended the time with a joyous and festive Farewell Dinner Celebration put on by our friends in the Blantyre Partnership Steering Committee. It is wonderful of the support of the Blantyre Synod for the partnership, as General Secretary Abusa Alex Maulana and his wife Alice attended the event and spoke of the blessings of the partnership. The night was a great occasion of good food, atmosphere and a time to fellowship with our new friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, especially our host families. They even had a live band. There was some singing and dancing and the night ended on a high note with speeches and gift exchanges. It was a celebration of our new tripartite partnership with South Sudan and the praised to God for all He has done. Our friends in Malawi expressed an eagerness to come to America in 2014 and to help in any way they can with the issues we have in bringing others to Christ for the sake of God's kingdom. It was acknowledged that all three of our countries have issues that the partnership can pray for and work to resolve. This is partnership!
Everyone had a wonderful time with their second host church and families (sister church) and have wonderful stories to tell. God has surely blessed our time here and we have heard wonderful reports from the places we visited for manual work and evangelism. Our friends in Malawi will now have a job to do to follow up and continue to nurture, teach and encourage new members of God's family in discipleship.
We have had a wonderful time, but that time has come to an end and I think everyone is eager to get back home to their families. We will be leaving for the Chileka airport soon. We are scheduled to arrive in Pittsburgh tomorrow (Sunday), at 2:13 pm, on United flight 5764. We look forward to seeing you then! Please pray for our safe travel.
God is Good!
Carl Suppo